Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Long and Lovely Day...

So much happened today: several errands, visits to two craft centers, but the best part was our time at the Nyanya Toto Preschool Center in Kibera. Six of our eight gradmothers were present and, along with wonderful teacher, Elizabeth, had prepared a traditional Kenyan meal for us. Expecting only light refreshments, we had eaten lunch just before, and so were more than overwhelmed. But I think we did pretty well, since refusing to eat would have been considered quite rude.

The grandmothers were dressed in their very best and looked wonderful in colorful headscarves and khangas (the traditional cloths which are used by African women in so many, many ways). I truly love the way in which these women mix colors and prints, with no real regard for matching. Gathered together, they resemble a garden of beautiful flowers in full bloom.

The biggest surprise for us- Mary Martin, Mae, and myself- came after the meal, its clearing away, and a rather lengthy meeting to discuss problems and concerns of both the Nyanya Project and the nyanyas themselves. One of the grandmothers brought out a bag which contained their gifts to us...and they proceeded to dress the three of us in beautiful khangas of our own, all the while singing and smiling and ululating and enjoying themselves greatly as they made us a part of their group, their "family".
Mary Martin and Mary

Mae and some Nyanyas

Another Mary and me in my Khanga-
a colorful picture in black and white
We joined in with the "dance" as my eyes filled with tears, so over-whelmed with gratitude for these gifts from women who have so little...who are existing on one meal a day, whose profits from their small businesses have, in some cases, been cut in half due to inflation and the economic downturn.  

I was especially overjoyed to be with my friend, Beatrice, and to see both her and her grandson, Eugene, looking so well. Beatrice lost an eight-year-old granddaughter during our visit last year, and we never had the chance to say goodby. Our meetings this summer have been especially meaningful to me and her hug was warm and long-lasting. We'll meet again at next week's Hurambee and this time we'll have the chance to say a proper goodbye.

Beatrice and Eugene
 And then it was time to go...and we discovered that the young man employed to paint the front wall was already hard at work. Mary had handed gifts all around for the grandmothers, Mae had presented the necklaces made by her friend, Lauren, and Elizabeth had a bag filled with toothbrushes and flip-flops from her granddaughters. All in all, a great day for everyone.
A happy Elizabeth

Mae & Nyanyas in front of the blue wall

And now it's time to sleep, after a long and deeply emotional day. Tomorrow, a flight to Kigali, Rwanda, where more visits and emotions await. No posts for several days, as my computer will remain here in Nairobi with my big luggage. Small carry-on only for the 4-day trip. Returning here to the Biblica Guesthouse on Tuesday afternoon, so expect a post- perhaps several- that evening. Love to all of you who read this...wishes for a happy and healthy day ahead...and may you live in appreciation of all you have. love, linda

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