Monday, July 18, 2011

Back from Mount Kenya

Good morning, North America! Returned last evening from Mt. Kenya, our visit with the "Sheep Grandmothers" (much more about that later), and our stay at the lovely Mountain Lodge. Though the summit of Mt. Kenya (the second tallest in Africa) has been hiding for much of this season, it was fully visible for our visit, something for which the lodge staff was very proud.

The summit of Mt. Kenya
Especially for the "grands"...there is a watering hole just outside of the lodge, which is fully visible to each guest room. During our overnight stay I saw several small deer, 4 warthogs, 5 or 6 water bucks, 4 or 5 wild oxen, 8 monkeys, and ONE elephant. Usually there are many more elephants here but they are on the move in search of more feeding grounds since the drought in Kenya is extreme (and in its 4th year!) and it is becoming more and more difficult for them to find adequate food. 

Female waterbuck

Male waterbuck
The Lone Elephant

Isn't he lovely?

Wild Ox rolling the the mud

Hog heaven!

Much, much more to tell about our trip but that will have to wait for the next post. In the meantime, stay well, my dear ones, and know that I think of you every day, even as I am in the midst of much that both breaks and feeds my heart. 

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